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Discover reviews on "90s toys" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 22, 2024 at 03:40 AM
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90s Toys Summary

Toys R Us

  • Toys R Us was a beloved store for many, offering a unique experience for kids in the 90s where they could spend hours exploring and playing video game demos.
  • Many users expressed nostalgia for Toys R Us and fond memories of browsing through its aisles.
  • Some users highlighted the downfall of Toys R Us due to financial issues and the changing retail landscape.
  • Users shared memories of buying video games at Toys R Us using tickets and the excitement of bringing home a new game.


  • A wide variety of toys and games available.
  • Nostalgic and memorable shopping experiences.
  • Unique ticket system for purchasing games.
  • A fun destination for kids and families.


  • Increased prices compared to other retailers.
  • The downfall of Toys R Us due to financial troubles.
  • Security measures like security tags and cages on games caused inconvenience.

Video Games

  • Users reminisced about buying iconic 90s games like Starcraft, Super Mario Land, Pokemon, and Metal Gear Solid.
  • Memories of playing games like Perfect Dark, Ep1 Racer, and Smash Bros were shared.
  • Some users mentioned how they can now access these games on emulators, lessening the need for physical copies.
  • The high cost of video games in the 90s was noted by users.


  • Iconic and memorable gaming experiences.
  • Excitement surrounding new game releases.
  • Nostalgic attachment to classic video games.
  • Accessibility of games through modern technology.


  • High prices of games in the 90s.
  • The shift towards digital gaming reducing the need for physical copies.
  • Less excitement about physical game purchases due to digital options.

Other Toys

  • Users discussed a variety of other 90s toys like Super Soaker 200, Puppy Surprise, TalkBoy, and Moon Shoes.
  • Memories of playing with toys like Crocodile Mile, Scannerz, and Mousetrap were shared.
  • Some users highlighted the disappointment of certain toys not living up to expectations from commercials.


  • Engaging and fun toy experiences.
  • Unique and innovative toy designs.
  • Nostalgic attachment to classic toys.
  • Fond memories of playing with various toys.


  • Some toys had issues like difficulty in setup or not meeting expectations.
  • Limited use or short-lived fun associated with certain toys.
  • Disappointment when toys did not match the excitement of commercials.

Overall, the Reddit comments reflect a deep sense of nostalgia and fondness for 90s toys, especially Toys R Us and classic video games, highlighting the unique experiences and joy these toys brought to many individuals during that time.

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