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Discover reviews on "acting books" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: November 22, 2024 at 06:35 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "acting books"

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John Gospels

  • The comments discuss the inconsistencies between the four gospels and the different audiences they were intended for.
  • Differences highlighted include the number of women at Jesus' tomb, genealogies of Jesus, and the accounts of Judas Iscariot's fate.
  • The virgin birth, Judas' betrayal, and his death are debated across Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Acts.
  • These discrepancies challenge the idea of Biblical Inerrancy and the differences suggest the authors had varying understandings of events.

Children's Books with Controversial Topics

  • Comments cover a range of children's books facing bans or challenges.
  • "It's Not the Stork" and "The Body Book for Girls II" are mentioned as providing information on sensitive topics like puberty and sex in an age-appropriate manner.
  • There's a discussion on books featuring LGBTQIA+ characters being labeled as "sexually explicit" by some groups.
  • The portrayal of LGBTQIA+ characters in children's books is seen as a reason for challenges or bans by some.
  • Some comments highlight misconceptions about banned preschool books showing sexual acts and argue against this view.

Veterans and Combat Control

  • Discussions center around experiences in Mogadishu, PTSD, and reflections on military operations.
  • Dan Schilling discusses his experiences in Mogadishu and the realism of "Black Hawk Down" compared to actual events.
  • Questions range from combat experiences, military leadership, PTSD, and interactions with veterans.
  • Speculation and opinions on military decisions, leadership, and PTSD prevalence among veterans are shared.
  • Physical training, favorite ice cream, and advice on staying in touch with a Combat Controller friend are also topics of discussion.

Adult Books Facing Bans

  • The list of Adult Books Facing Bans or challenges is reviewed, with comments expressing surprise and criticism.
  • The banning of books for LGBTQIA+ themes, violence, and opinions about such actions are discussed.
  • Hobbies beyond writing and exercising, training routines, and inquiries about Mossad, ethics, and responses to political climates are asked.
  • The reasons behind book bans and challenges are analyzed, with tension between artistic expression and censorship being a recurring theme.


  • A mix of comments includes reactions to the proposed "Freedom Fest," discussions on historical figures, and musings on concert attendance trends.
  • References to elite military units, Jonestown, and religious texts are made in various discussions.
  • The challenges faced by Muslims in the military and the portrayal of women's struggles in literature are highlighted.
  • The interplay between actual events and fiction, the impact of historical novels, and advice on social causes are prevalent in the conversation.

Overall, the Reddit comments provide a rich and diverse perspective on topics ranging from religious texts and book bans to military experiences, children's literature, and social commentary.

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