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Last updated: November 17, 2024 at 10:05 AM
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Best Business 13 3 Notebooks: Summary of Reddit Comments

Attitude Supply ATD1

  • Blows your price

Speculation on Mysterious Events

  • A user offers wild speculation on mysterious events possibly related to electromagnetic fields and spacetime warps.
  • Mentions the Omaha article that discusses a physicist's theories on natural spacetime distortions.

Jokic's MVP Performance

  • Comments praise Nikola Jokic's historic efficiency and performance in the NBA.
  • Descriptions include his historical stats, unstoppable nature, and potential for 4th MVP win.

Gordolf and Jing Ke

  • Users enjoy the spotlight given to Jing Ke in a certain scenario and humorously mention Gordolf tripping on wires.

Donation and Gift Giving

  • Reddit thread discussing donations to help children, allowing users to pick specific gifts or donate general funds.
  • Users express support, make donations via Venmo, PayPal, and claim gifts for different children on the list.

This summary captures Reddit comments related to "best business 13 3 notebooks." It includes information about the Attitude Supply ATD1 notebook, wild speculation on mysterious events with electromagnetic fields, praise for Nikola Jokic's MVP performance in the NBA, appreciation for the focus on Jing Ke and Gordolf, as well as a thread discussing donations and gift giving for children in need.

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