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Last updated: September 28, 2024 at 02:09 AM
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Best Knife Sharpener Recommendations from Reddit Comments


  • Description: Double-sided Whetstones are recommended for sharpening knives.
  • Pros: Effective way to sharpen knives, allows for precision in sharpening.
  • Cons: Takes practice to achieve the desired edge, can be time-consuming.

Sharpening Systems

Electric Sharpeners

  • Accusharp: A quick and efficient sharpener for achieving a razor-sharp edge.
  • Chef's Choice Trizor XV: Easy to use for maintaining sharpness, may not be ideal for sharpening very dull knives.

Sharpening Stones

Tips for Sharpening

  • Use sharpie to determine angle and coverage on the blade when sharpening.
  • Practice getting a burr on the edge to achieve desired sharpness.
  • Apply correct pressure and maintain angle consistency during sharpening.

User Experiences

  • Whetstones work well, but require practice and patience.
  • Work Sharp Precision Adjust is user-friendly and yields good results.
  • Manual sharpening is preferable for better control and maintenance of knives.
  • The KME system offers high-quality sharpening results but comes at a price.

Additional Recommendations

  • Consider using a leather strop for final touch-ups.
  • Utilize videos and tutorials for guidance on sharpening techniques.
  • Start with inexpensive knives for practice before sharpening premium knives.

Overall, the reddit comments highlight the effectiveness of Whetstones, sharpening systems like KME, electric sharpeners, and the importance of proper technique and practice for achieving optimal results in knife sharpening.

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