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Discover reviews on "best niche fragances for women attraction" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: January 22, 2025 at 09:22 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments for the Query "best niche fragrances for women attraction"

  • Some users discuss the importance of being direct and confrontational with a friend exhibiting disrespectful behavior towards women. They suggest giving honest feedback and possibly distancing oneself if the behavior continues.

  • Advice is given on how to handle a friend's misogynistic attitudes, emphasizing the need for a reality check and harsh dose of truth to shift his perspective.

  • Suggestions include recommending the book "No More Mr Nice Guy" to help address possible deep insecurities affecting the friend's behavior towards women.

  • Comments touch on the importance of addressing problematic behaviors early on, especially towards women, as they may lead to further issues in the future.

  • User conversations steer towards discussions about sexuality, feminism, and how societal views impact relationships and dynamics between men and women.

  • There's a mix of serious conversations, personal stories, and light-hearted banter on various topics related to attractiveness, behavior towards women, and societal norms.

  • Overall, the comments provide diverse viewpoints, personal experiences, and suggestions on addressing respectful behavior towards women and navigating societal norms.

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