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Last updated: November 4, 2024 at 08:10 PM
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Best Slippers for Arch Support with Collapsed Arches

Based on the Reddit comments, here is a summary of the best slippers for arch support for collapsed arches:

Pros and Cons of Different Shoe Brands:

  • White's/Nicks Boots: These were mentioned as options for extreme arch support. However, there was no detailed feedback on their effectiveness.

  • Loafers: Loafers were discussed for their versatility in pairing with different outfits. One user shared their preference for Loafers but mentioned limitations when it comes to suits.

Effect of Collapsed Arches on Shoes:

  • Several users mentioned having collapsed arches and difficulty finding shoes that fit properly. The pressure of flat arches against the shoe walls was a concern for the longevity of the footwear.

  • Some users suggested using inserts like blue superfeet for comfort and better fit. Inserts were highlighted as a solution for those with flat feet.

  • A specific last, the Alden 379x last, was also mentioned as a potential option for those with collapsed arches. However, concerns were raised about the width of the waist.

Recommendations for Slippers:

  • No specific slipper brands were mentioned in the comments for arch support. However, based on the discussion around collapsed arches and footwear, inserts such as superfeet or custom orthotics might be useful for providing the necessary support.

In conclusion, while specific slipper recommendations were not provided, the key takeaway is the importance of finding footwear that offers good arch support, especially for those with collapsed arches. Inserts and custom orthotics can be helpful in enhancing comfort and fit, particularly in slippers where arch support may be lacking.

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