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Discover reviews on "botany farms" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 19, 2024 at 04:05 AM
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Botany Farms Discussion Summary:

Users are discussing the limited number of POIs (Points of Interest) in the game:

  • Some users feel that with over 1,000 planets, having only 42 POIs is too few.
  • They suggest randomizing items and layouts to enhance replay value.

Comparison with other games like Skyrim and Fallout 76:

  • Users compare the number of unique locations in Starfield to other games like Skyrim and Fallout 76, noting a lack of handcrafted locations in Starfield.
  • They point out that even older games like Morrowind had more unique locations.

Botany Pots and Phytogenic Insulators:

  • Users discuss upgrading Botany Pots and automating with Phytogenic Insulators for faster growth.
  • They share tips on optimizing resources and achieving achievements using greenhouse setups.

Additional Comments Regarding Gardening and Landscaping:

  • Users share experiences of family members meddling in their gardens and suggest humorous or retaliatory actions.
  • RoundUp use, landscaping ideas, and the emotional impact of such interference are discussed.

Other Topics Discussed:

  • A comprehensive list of subreddits for various hobbies is compiled and shared.
  • Notable hard-science fiction books like The Martian and Seveneves are recommended and reviewed by users.
  • The potential for growing fruit, hemp, and other crops in different climates is discussed.
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