Last updated: September 27, 2024 at 09:04 AM
Summary of Reddit Comments on "Divajilly photo"
Divajilly Drama Context
- Users discussed drama related to a photo involving Divajilly, with some expressing concern for her husband's well-being.
- Commentators speculated on the authenticity of the scenario depicted in the photo and labeled Moonmoon negatively.
- Some reactions hint at a potential shift in focus towards drama within the community.
Responses to Judicial Tweet
- Commendations for an impactful tweet response and witty reactions from Judd in the context of corruption.
- Humorous exchanges about distractions and admiration for the judge's character.
- Suggestions for promoting the judge to a higher position due to strong support from the community.
Community Involvement and Reflection
- Calls to relax about RP-related issues and not harass streamers as some take the roleplay too seriously.
- Positive sentiments towards following and supporting the judge on Twitch.
- Humorous off-topic comments mixed with appreciation for the judge's presence in the community.
General Comments
- Out of context remarks and miscellaneous comments unrelated to the original post or query.
- A mix of humorous, appreciative, and confused responses to the content shared in the Reddit thread.